Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeMicrosoft 365AzureMicrosoft Azure Load Testing

Microsoft Azure Load Testing

Use JMeter user properties with Azure Load Testing

Maximize Your Development Efforts with Microsoft Azure Load Testing. Resolve performance, scalability, and resiliency issues with ease and minimize costs with Azure Load Testing. Our Cloud Ecosystem Security and Azure Synapse engineering teams have utilized Azure Load Testing to prevent unique load-related bugs from reaching production, and to test the resiliency of their services. With the ability to simulate high concurrency, large input data, and various failure scenarios, Azure Load Testing helps optimize your infrastructure for customer traffic, so you only pay for what you need. Be ready for severe spikes in traffic and ensure your applications and services are always resilient with Azure Load Testing.

The Azure Synapse team uses Azure Load Testing to generate different levels of workloads from high concurrency to large input data sequential execution targeting Synapse SQL Serverless endpoints. With the flexibility of JMeter we can start/stop other services within a cluster that can inject different failures, thus truly testing the resiliency of our service.”—Microsoft Azure Synapse engineering team Pay only for what you need Optimize your infrastructure while ensuring your application and services are resilient to severe spikes in customer traffic. Leverage Azure Load Testing to optimize your infrastructure before production, planning for the customer traffic you are expecting, paying only for what you need. Then leverage Azure Load Testing to test for unplanned increases in load.

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