Saturday, October 12, 2024
HomeMicrosoft 365ExchangeCustomizable Recipient Limits in Office 365 Exchange Online

Customizable Recipient Limits in Office 365 Exchange Online

Office 365 tenant admins can now customize the Recipient Limits setting from 1 to 1000. Admins can make changes either via Remote PowerShell (RPS) or via the Exchange Admin Center (EAC). The full complement of customization capabilities is available via RPS, while a sub-set of those are available in the Exchange Admin Center.

Update a single mailbox

Set-Mailbox -RecipientLimits 20

Update multiple mailboxes

(Get-Mailbox | where {$_.RecipientTypeDetails -ne "DiscoveryMailbox"}) | % {Set-Mailbox $_.Identity -RecipientLimits 10}

Update the default for new mailboxes created in the future (all plans)

Get-MailboxPlan | Set-MailboxPlan -RecipientLimits 50

Verify the changes by running:

Get-Mailbox -Identity "" | Select RecipientLimits

Change the recipient limit for your organization by running:

Set-TransportConfig -MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimit <NumberOfRecipients>

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