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HomeMicrosoft 365Deploy ARM-Based Cosmos DB: Unlock the Power of Data Connections

Deploy ARM-Based Cosmos DB: Unlock the Power of Data Connections

ARM Deploy Cosmos DB Data Connection
Azure Data Explorer (ADX) is a powerful cloud data platform that enables organizations to easily access, explore, and analyze their data. ADX can be used to quickly and easily create and manage data sources, including Azure Cosmos DB, the globally distributed, multi-model database service. In this blog, we will discuss how to deploy a Cosmos DB data connection in ADX using ARM.Connecting to Cosmos DB
To connect to Cosmos DB, you will need the connection string and the database name. Once these are in hand, you can use the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template to deploy the connection. The ARM template contains all the necessary parameters to create the connection, including: * The connection string
* The database name
* The authentication type
* The resource group
* The location

Deploying the Connection
Once the necessary parameters are in hand, the connection can be deployed using the ARM template. To deploy the connection, first, create an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template. This template will contain the parameters and the configuration necessary to deploy the connection.Once the template is created, deploy it using the Azure Portal. To do this, navigate to the “Deploy a custom template” page in the Azure Portal. Select the template and then enter the necessary parameters. Once the parameters are entered, click “OK” to deploy the connection.

Using the Connection
Once the connection is deployed, it can be used to access and analyze data stored in Cosmos DB. To do this, you will need to create a query. To create a query, first, navigate to the “Query Editor” page in the Azure Portal. Select the connection and then enter the query. Once the query is entered, click “Run” to execute the query.Conclusion
In this blog, we discussed how to deploy a Cosmos DB data connection in ADX using ARM. We reviewed the necessary parameters for the connection and how to deploy it using the ARM template. We also discussed how to use the connection to access and analyze data stored in Cosmos DB. By leveraging Azure Data Explorer and Cosmos DB, organizations can easily access, explore, and analyze their data.
ARM Deploy Cosmos DB Data connection

1. Azure ARM Deployment
2. Cosmos DB Data Connection

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