Friday, July 26, 2024

Monthly Archives: March, 2024

Calculate Your API Security Budget with Microsoft Defender

Introduction to Microsoft Defender for API Security APIs have become the backbone of modern application inter-communication and integration. As the demand for digitally interconnected services...

AI-Driven Transformation: New Billing Model for Defender for Servers Users

Microsoft Defender for Cloud has just implemented a significant evolution in billing practices. Customers using Defender for Servers will be impacted by these changes....

Unleash the Power of AI with Advanced Routing using Application Gateway Rewrite Rules

Enhance Your Routing Capabilities with Azure Application Gateway Rewrite The Azure Application Gateway Rewrite is a platform service of Azure that provides extensive routing capabilities....

Get Ready for Shifts in Defender for Servers with AI-powered Features

Bracing for Future Changes in Defender for Servers Microsoft is excited about the imminent updates to the Defender for Servers as part of our ongoing...

Get Ready for the AI-Powered Defense in Defender for Servers

Important changes and updates are heading your way soon with Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Get prepared, and stay ahead of the game with insider...

“Dive into Data Science: Explore Our 14-Day Data Science Collection!”

Introduction to the World of Data Science Delve into the exciting realm of data science with our comprehensive 14 Day Data Science Collection. This group...

“Maximizing Efficiency: Running React SPA and Python Backend on Azure App Service”

Introduction Modern web development often consists of separate teams developing front-end and back-end components independently. The combination of Python for back-end data processing and React...

Unleash the Power of Real-Time Predictions with Azure_AI Extension (Preview)

Exploring The Innovative Azure AI Extension Preview for Real-Time Predictions The DNA of business innovation is encoded in progressive technology tools. One such tool, Azure...

AI-powered Azure Functions: Exciting Updates for March 2024

The development and applications with .NET on Azure Functions have continuously evolved, bringing groundbreaking changes to broaden the features and user experience. This post...

Migrate SQL Server to Azure SQL Managed Instance effortlessly

Streamlining the Migration to Azure SQL Managed Instance The process of migrating from SQL Server to Azure SQL Managed Instance has never been as straightforward...

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